Things that happen in this couple of days has cause me to feel really tired, stress, lack of sleep, feeling down and least motivate...5 days of training along with handling so much work as programme manager has really cause me to blown out...task are not given equally, communication break down as well as working with people that are pessimist, hypocrite,and domineering has make my work live miserable....even my period cycle has change...i can't believe that this miserable thing has effect so much to my body and mind..
Today the 3 word that i have just underline really need an explanation because then you will understand how miserable it is my work live...PESSIMIST: A tendency to stress the negative or unfavourable view
HYPOCRITE: A person who pretend to be what he/she is not
DOMINEERING: Acting with or showing arrogance or tyranny
These a the type of people i am working with now...what a should i overcome these kind of people in office...
This particular boss has cause a small thing to become so big an issues..getting angry and scolding her people in front outsiders...come on...think about our feeling, don't you know that we have feeling...we are not small children that need to be scolded..just advise us if we did a mistake...then after all think with a macroon you give out can amend all your me, i woun't take a bite at those can not buy my forgiveness with that small things...your every word that came out from that mouth of yours have been hurtful to be heard by anyone...
Then, this one senior of mine..why so pessimist, can't you be more a senior you need to do more than just what you have been more active. You can't sit and wait...move more...don't take everything so negative...listen to other people needs...most of all, do your part take need to be a leader...
Things that have been happening lately has really cause me to start searching for a new job...where should i start??